“…interweaves menacing guitar riffs with haunting piano and synths over a rock-solid and imaginative rhythm section, topped by great vocals…some of the most chilling lyrics I’ve heard in a very long while.” 8/10 DPRP.net (30/05/2024)
“I suddenly realize, almost at the point of finishing the album, how many registers Phil Stiles has used to sing, how many atmospheres the band has created, that each song is completely different from the previous one and, even thus, there is an internal coherence throughout the work.” 9/10 Necromance.eu 30/05/2024
“The World We Inherited close your eyes and let the imaginations flow.” The Ripple Effect (12/03/2024)
“An album of devastating majesty, The World We Inherited is reassuringly disturbing.” 9/10 – Powerplay Rock & Metal Magazine (March 2024 Edition)
“The Layne Staley-esque vocals may not be everyone’s cuppa tea, but they never sound forced or out of place. The massive closing duo of “Humanity” and “The End of History” shut the door on an album that’s ambitious, original, and demanding of multiple spins.” – No Clean Singing (28/02/2024)
“I find it inspired, beautiful and fair. In the end, I’d rather call it post metal than alternative rock, but if that scares some people, forget it; Above all, it’s a metaphor for the world we live in, for how we gradually forge it into something dangerous, unforgiving but also casual and ever more unconscious, as we become more and more informed about everything. Enveloping.” – Adopte Un Disque (23/02/2024)
“The prog stylistics assist in this and though it may sound maudlin, in places, it’s still as evocative, considered and profound as we’ve come to expect, from F.C. A well crafted finale, to the trilogy.” 9/10 – Rock Queen Reviews (18/02/2024)
“Final Coil have something a little different here on The World We Inherited. And something whilst not an easy listen at first does get you there after half a dozen or so spins. If you like your progressive metal with a bleak, stark edge and the weaving in of the slightly spooky piano and other keys then this album is for you.” – New Wave Of British Heavy Metal Fans (18/02/2024)
“Final Coil are back with what is most likely the most genuinely Gothic album of 2024 so far… All in, a huge stack has been invested in making this a stellar production, and Final Coil deserve all recognition for it. They’ve totally nailed it this time.” A+ – Slow Dragon Music (15/02/2024)
“To talk about the sound we can call Katatonia (less metal) and Killing Joke (slower) and why not Nine Inch Nails… End of History for example makes sound like a mix of Nirvana and Pixies… but more melancholic, as if Marillon captured the 90s. But this little “name dropping” must not hide the essential concerning this album : Final Coil has an atmosphere and heady melodies.” – Duclock (12/02/2024)
“…an album that does not shy away from experimenting, but in my opinion will especially appeal to music lovers.” 68/100 – Zware Metalen (12/02/2024)
“The music is reflective of the themes mentioned in the beginning quite well. You can see the divide between people growing larger each and every day, and at some point, wheels were set in motion that cannot be undone. Have we reached that point already? It’s hard to say, but I don’t feel bad about the possibility of not being around to witness the end of times.” 8/10 – Metal Temple (12/02/2024)
“The world we inherited” arouses strong, restless and reflective emotions … the pathos it conveys at times may perhaps risk appearing just too celebratory and repeated, but I sincerely believe that our troubled times still need records like this.” 7.5/10 – metal.it (04/02/2024)
“The new album, ‘The World We Inhereted’, by the British formation Final Coil is a hit and for me even their best album. Their mix of post rock and prog rock with some grunge is a unique but oh so beautiful sound.” 88/100 – Musika (03/02/2024)
“Final Coil feels like the bastard offspring of Killing Joke, Godflesh, and Prong in the best way.” – Nine Circles (30/01/2024)
“The World We Inherit is a literal step forward for Final Coil, but it’s a world where the authors realise their fears of a step backwards for humankind. You can find many of these dark prophecies in modern rock and metal, and this one is nuanced and multi-dimensional enough to retain your attention.” 7/10 – Scream Blast repeat (27/01/2024)
“It is in Leicester, England, that FINAL COIL have been developing a trilogy for seven years now. And they have carried out this project masterfully. Between Metal, Prog and very subtle, captivating and quite Cold climates, the trio’s musical spectrum reaches its peak on “The World We Inherited”, and the direction and work on the arrangements are remarkable. With its very panoramic vision, the whole is very technical and superbly structured.” – Rocknforce.com (23/01/2024)
“The music draws from both British alternative rock, 80’s goth and metal, and there is also a certain industrial feel to most of the material.” 3/5 – Scream Magazine (22/01/2024)
“Maybe saving the best till last and admittedly not being familiar with what’s gone before, but it feels like The World We Inherited is a grand finale.” – At The Barrier (22/01/2024)
“In the end, “The World We Inherited” is an immersive experience that invites the listener to explore the depths of FINAL COIL’s musical universe. It shows the band’s skill in standing out in the music scene and making a lasting impact on those who take this musical journey. So far, it is one of my favorite albums for 2024!” 4/5 – Iron Backstage Magazine (18/01/2024)
“Final Coil checks a lot of boxes for me. Layered, chant like vocals. Nice synths/keys partnered nicely with some chunky guitar work. A catchiness that you would not expect. Are they a tad pretentious? Yup. Does the middle drag a bit? It does. Would I say my band sounds like Tool and Pink Floyd when it is not even close? No, no I would not. Is The World We Inherited a fun listen that I have spun a half dozen times now and will continue to be in rotation for me? You bet.” 7/10 – Musipedia Of Metal (17/01/2024)
“Structural nit-picks aside, The World We Inherited is an album that grew on me the more I spent time with it. The band have come a long way from the safety of post-grunge in Persistence of Memory, and they command an impressive toolbox of styles and a keen sense of performance…. it’s the pervasive atmosphere and elusive, effective riffs that’s kept me coming back for more.” – 3/5 Angry Metal Guy (16/01/2024)
“I read Orwell for the first time in 2023. Why it took me so long I don’t know, but 40 years on from 1984 we’re living in it. This is the soundtrack. Uneasy listening it might be, just make sure you do listen. This is anything other than “Nothin’ but a good time” but it’s vital and it’s brilliant. Rating 8.5/10” – Maximum Volume Music (16/01/2024)
“So, for those who wish to explore some sort of a mixture of Guantanamo Bay and Orwell 2.0, this is your record. But make no mistake, The World We Inherited ain’t no easy fare and it will hungrily demand your attention. And it is an unholy and scary brand of hunger. Do step in, but always remember the number to dial on the next telephone. Or you will never escape that glitch in the matrix. Just sayin’.” Rock Music Raider (16/01/2024)
“The musicians of Final Coil have learned a lot over the past few years.” Looking back at the rather bumpy, mostly unfinished debut “Persistence Of Memory” and comparing the longplayer with the current, meanwhile third release, one can see a partly rapid development, characterized mainly by the fact that the band goes to work much more quietly, and also maintains calmness. and even in the rather complex moments of the new window does not allow itself to be pulled away by other lures that could interfere with the voltage-laden structure.” 8/10 – PowerMetal.de (15/01/2024)
“My colleague Graham Goodge says this is one of the most important albums to emerge from the British rock scene in a long, long time… I don’t know about that, I’m not really in a position to judge, but I do know that when the band goes for broke about two minutes into Out of Sorts it’s one of the most satisfying listens I’ve had in the same timespan. As such, I can’t recommend this album highly enough.” – The Sentinel Daily (15/01/2024)
“The message and storytelling were phenomenal; some of the best I’ve heard in a while. I certainly will be listening to this again soon, and would recommend the whole album to anyone!” 8/10 Overtone Magazine (12/01/2024)
“The trail of impressive releases that Final Coil have given us is long and storied, yet it all feels like it has been building to this. Arguably their most creative and powerful work to date, and one that showcases the brilliance of their genre-bending ways.” 8.5/10 – GBHL (12/01/2024)
“Brilliant stuff. Moving, emotional, emotive, this release has touched my soul.” 95/100 – 195 Metal CDs (09/01/2024)
“When you listen to this album, everything flows perfectly. Congratulations to Final Coil, this is a fantastic evolution.” – World Of Metal (01/01/2024)
““The Growing Shadows,” shimmers and shifts, a turning landscape for the forebearance of time.” – The Median Man (21/12/2024)
“It is difficult to believe that The World We Inherited is only 45 minutes long such is the scope and depth of the music and the pure primeval emotion that it ignites within the listener. Whether the breadth of influences – everyone from Tool, Pink Floyd, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Katatonia to the aforementioned Massive Attack – will prove to be too wide for some, remains to be seen. For those prepared to invest time in the music – and just as importantly the lyrics, The World We Inherited will make you look internally towards your own values and consider what difference you can make not only to your own world but to those around you who might be struggling in silence. As a listener, will you join Final Coil and question everything you hold true in modern society?” – Hotel Hobbies 20/12/2023